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Jer sve ovo vredi…

Neko me je skoro pitao šta je to što me motiviše da se bavim blogovanjem, a da nije samo ljubav prema modi. Iz cuga sam odgovorila: ljudi! Svi oni divni ljudi koje srećem bilo preko svog, bilo preko tuđih blogova! I uvek sam zapanjena dozom kreativnosti, originalnosti i inovativnosti na koju nailazim, i koja me uvek ostavi bez reči. Učim od tih ljudi, inspirišu me, i što je najbitnije ulepšavaju svaki dan! Čudno je kako nas ljubav prema istom tako lako poveže, iako nas dele hiljade i hiljade kilometara, kulturne, jezičke i sve druge barijere. I onda shvatim koliko smo u svoj svojoj različitosti, opet tako slični jedni drugima.Jedna prekrasna mlada dama po menu Anastasia Oskina, inače autorka istoimenog bloga iz daleke nam Rusije, svojim gestom, potvrdila je i još više me ubedila u gore napisane reči. Poslala mi je mail u kojem je, pored lepih reči, poslala svoj crtež. Na crtežu sam bila ja, u kombinaciji iz poslednjeg outfit posta. Bila sam dirnuta, bila sam počastvovana i bila sam presrećna. I onda sam znala: sve ovo vredi…
Somebody asked me recently about my motivation for blogging except my love of fashion. I immediately answered: the people! All those wonderful people I get to meet through my own or other people’s blogs! I’m always amazed with creativity, originality, and innovation that I come across, and that always leaves me speechless. I learn from these people, they inspire me, and, most importantly, they make my day! It’s funny how one thing that we all love can connect us so easily, even when we are separated by thousands of miles, cultural, linguistic and other barriers. And then I realize how much, in all our diversity, we are so similar to each other. A wonderful young lady, Anastasia Oskina from Russia, also a blogger confirmed and further convinced me in the words written above with her gesture. She sent me an email filled with beautiful words and a drawing of her own. It was me she drew, in an outfit from the latest post. I was touched, I was honored and I was overjoyed. And then I knew: it’s worth it…
Thank you, darling…It will have a special place in my heart and on my blog! Love… B.

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19 Responses

  1. My God, you do not represent, on how many have touched me your words!
    I sit I read and I can not read up in any way because eyes are filled with tears…
    I also did not think that because of my ability to draw, there can be so much fine emotions, warm words.
    Thanks you huge!
    Many kisses I send through huge distance!

  2. Anastasia, all those words were sincere and from the heart!
    Thank you for the wonderful gift, otherwise this is my first birthday present since my birthday is tomorrow!:)
    Lots of kisses and hugs from Serbia!!!

  3. Prekrasno! Ljudi su definitivno ono zbog čega se isplati pisati blog! Divna nova, što virtualna, što stvarna prijateljstva, razmjena iskustava, pomoć, podrška… Potpisujem post totalno! A crtež je fenomenalan koliko i gesta njegove autorice! Pusa! ;))

  4. Draga moja SreCaN RodJenDan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY i ovako, preko bloga! Stvarno divan poklon, crtez je fenomenalan!

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